Special from THE DICK TIMES: NEWS THAT BITES!! This just in!! New York City hospital records now disclose the tragedy of twins separated at birth by a careless nurse in the maternity ward!
In a press conference given today and covered by our indefatigable staff, Doctor Milton Goldblatt, head of pediatrics, announced that all efforts will be made to reunite the two fraternal twins, sons of a former real estate developer in Queens or one of those boroughs nobody cares about. Maybe it's The Bronx. But why don't they say The Queens? Dick sez: Who cares? Move on.
In a press conference given today and covered by our indefatigable staff, Doctor Milton Goldblatt, head of pediatrics, announced that all efforts will be made to reunite the two fraternal twins, sons of a former real estate developer in Queens or one of those boroughs nobody cares about. Maybe it's The Bronx. But why don't they say The Queens? Dick sez: Who cares? Move on.